“Carouge Zéro Déchet”, the winning project of the 10th anniversary of Agenda 21, was launched in February 2018 in partnership with Zero Waste Switzerland. The objective of this ambitious project, which makes Carouge the 1st zero waste city in Switzerland, is to reduce incinerable waste produced in Carouge by 30% in 3 years.
Since its launch, more than 230 events and actions have been set up such as workshops, demo cafés, conferences, and awareness booths at local events in Carouge. In total, more than 3’800 people have been involved. Two 6-month long coaching sessions involved 44 families and resulted in more than 60% waste reduction.
In schools, animations and coaching sessions were also organized. As for the shops, more than 50 stores and market vendors now display the sticker “Here, we accept your own containers”.
The City of Carouge has also made a commitment by setting up a centralized sorting system in the Administration and by raising awareness among its employees. Since 2020, it has imposed the use of fully reusable dishware during major events or markets in its municipal territory. At a sustainable and zero waste brunch, only 2kg of burnable waste has been recorded for 150 participants!
A vast communication campaign is currently being carried out: website, social networks, posters involving key players in the municipality, banners, garbage cans and road trucks decorated with stickers advocating zero waste habits.
The social, environmental and economic benefits are good and the City of Carouge encourages communities to launch such a program!
- Find out more on: carougezerodechet.ch
- Facebook: Carouge Zéro Déchet
- Instagram: @carougezerodechet
- City of Carouge: www.carouge.ch
Pictures © Zoé Chenevard