Let’s reduce packaging and waste together!

In Switzerland, each inhabitant generates more than 700 kg of waste per year. This makes us the third largest producer of waste in Europe. One third of this waste is the result of the use of single-use packaging. This creates a huge waste of greenhouse gas emissions and resources when used for only a few minutes.
The real challenge for the environment is to reduce waste at the source, rather than having to deal with it afterwards. ZeroWaste Switzerland has therefore decided to create the first national network of reusable container-friendly businesses to reduce the use of disposable containers as much as possible.
The objectives of this ZeroWaste Switzerland project are to:
- Raise awareness among shops and restaurants about the problem of single-use packaging
- Inform them about the different reusable alternatives
- Stick the project sticker “Here, we accept your own containers” in shops that are in favour of Zero Waste in order to facilitate their identification by customers
- List all Zero Waste friendly shops and restaurants on our geolocatable map of good spots to make it easier for consumers to shop without packaging
- Offer training seminars on Zero Waste themes, environmental issues and information to pass on to their customers in order to extend the knowledge of retailers and restaurateurs.
- With nearly 1,000 active retailers in our network, ZeroWaste Switzerland continues to develop the first national network of shops and restaurants that offer reusable solutions and/or accept their customers’ containers.
Discover the project information kit here :
Would you like to receive the sticker and the explanatory brochure? Please contact us.
Your business is committed to Zero Waste* and our sticker is clearly visible on your shop window? Then write to us via our contact form so that we can increase your visibility by adding you to the map of good addresses!
*Even if your business only offers one product in bulk or in reusable containers, tell us which product it is and we can mention you on our map.
Benefits and ideas for retailers
- Customer closeness – by being innovative you are offering your clients an alternative to excessive packaging: glass and material instead of plastic, for example, through fashionable, reusable material bags
- Customer loyalty – through the introduction of a refundable deposit system or by offering a rebate to customers who bring their own containers
- Competitiveness – because of the trend towards buying in bulk and the increasing desire to reduce packaging, you have a competitive advantage vs the big stores and chains
- Saving money – reduction of costs related to the purchase of single-use objects and to the sorting and disposal of waste
- Discounts from suppliers – through the use of reusable containers you can buy at lower purchasing prices from suppliers
- Talk about it, become a promoter of the movement! – You participate in providing information on overwrapping, propose solutions and initiate a discussion with your customers on the Zero Waste initiative.
Motivated customers will talk and quickly spread positive word of mouth!
Help reduce waste and promote Zero Waste as a collective member of ZeroWaste Switzerland!
Project Activities
- Explanatory brochure: contains the essential elements of the approach explained to businesses as well as the sales pitch intended for customers. It is accompanied by the sticker “Here we accept your containers”.
- Training and follow-up of volunteers: in each of the cities where the project is implemented, a coordinator trains and manages a team of volunteers whose mission is to approach businesses.
- Organisation of seminars to raise awareness of Zero Waste among retailers: proposed in each city where the project is deployed, practical and adapted seminars show business managers how to reduce and prevent waste.
- Monitoring and coaching of businesses: following their awareness and the implementation of the sticker “Here we accept your containers”, a panel of businesses is monitored and coached in its actions to reduce waste.
The implementation of each of these actions depends on the resources available to the association. Here’s how you can help to make them happen.
And this is the result:
- 2 million tons of household waste per year in Switzerland
- 10 packages per swiss household per day thrown away
- 339 kg per inhabitant per year are incinerated
- Recycling rates for each material type : glass 96%, aluminium 92%, paper 91%, PET bottles 82% but only 11% of plastic waste
We warmly thank the 101 people who chose the “THANK YOU” counterpart on wemakeit.
First name | Last name | Location |
Valentina | Tarantini | Onex |
Caroline | Morel | Geneve |
Roger | Loertscher | Zürich |
Martin | Gunn | Bienne |
Sabrina | Rey | Signèse |
Astrid | Godat | Wikon |
Tamanna | Mohapatra | Mont-sur-Rolle |
Lizzie | Medrano | Vernier |
Denise | de Roux | Wien |
Maeva | Kohler | Genève |
An | Bo | Versoix |
Silvia | Serena | Mendrisio |
Lisa | Novel | Lancy |
Déborah | Donoso | Lausanne |
Carine | Cosandier | Gingins |
Maxime | Oberson | Neyruz |
Mireile | Lanz | Veyras |
Yannis | Gygax | Genève |
Malgorzata | Juszczyk | Zürich |
Simon | Rattaz | Lully |
Nathalie | Oberson | Courtaman |
Laurianne | Brunstein | Brot Plamboz |
Allen | Vernier | Lausanne |
Melissa | Beauclercq | Chavannes-des-Bois |
Marianne | Chevassus | Onex |
Christian | Reistad | Genève |
Alban | Bitz | Lausanne |
David | Chatellard | Lausanne |
Claudia | Busetti Jenny | Gelterkinden |
Michel | Craman | Binz |
Edouard | Carron | Fully |
Helene | Thouraud | Crans |
Severine | Clottu | Genève |
Martyne | Costa | Martigny |
Eric | Bettens | Lausanne |
Teresa | Larraga | Corcelles |
Hervé | Le Pezennec | Mollens |
Sophie | Nidegger | Villars-sur-Glâne |
Petra | Jurietti | Minusio |
P | Bendel | Préverenges |
Stéphanie | Iselin | Genève |
Christian | Bugnon | Mont-sur-Rolle |
Françoise | Bridel | Geneve |
Gaelle | Haeny | Petit-Lancy |
Mélanie | Tuscher | Courtelary |
Marie Jane | Saunders | Geneva |
Rocio | Escobar | Genève |
alexandra | Dutoit | Penthalaz |
Sophie | Rohrbach | Clarens |
Vanessa | Duraki | Neuchâtel |
Jocelyne | Zenger | Vernier |
Marisa | Mengotti | Pregassona |
Julie | Pernot | Lausanne |
Sandra | Curty | Chapelle (Glâne) |
Fabienne | Aveni | Richterswil |
Joana | Da Costa | Genève |
Jost | Ettlin | Kerns |
Pascale | Modarressi | Anières |
Olga | Cajacob | B34n |
T | M | NA |
Daniela | Wagner | St Genis Pouilly |
Paride | Pedrini | Bellinzona |
Ana | Gomez | Thônex |
Aurélie | Kehrli | Cottens |
Irene | Penrose | Morges |
Cristina | Soriano | Geneva |
Antoine | André | Morges |
Simone | Lötscher | Winterthur |
Raphaëlle | Fivaz | Genève |
Isabelle | Coenen-Favre | Coffrane |
Allison | Ott | Bôle |
Patrick | Vollenweider | Bichwil |
Margherita | Plebani | Cugy |
Laurence | Micheli | Reverolle |
Sandrine | Massonnet | Montagny-pres-yverdon |
Berengere | Farcot | Divonne les Bains |
Camille | Dinkel | Renens |
Nicola | Winzenried | Lausanne |
Lukas Paul | Spichiger | Biberist |
Audrey | Cecilio | Morges |
Michèle | Aubry Weill | Lausanne |
Eric | Paic | Morges |
Ivan | Kellenberger | Windisch |
Claire | Sarbach | Les Cullayes |
Claude | Gateaud | Montigny-le-Bretonneux |
Jessica | Pawellek | Carouge |
Jean Marie | McAdams | Cessy |
Hugo | Rodrigues | Neuchâtel |
Bruno | Boccali | Pampigny |
Julie | Thomas | Carouge Ge |
Lucia | Fasella | Genève |
Manon | Garzuel | Neuchâtel |
Pascale | Genoud | Montmagny |
Simona | Degiacomi | Silvaplana |
Roxanne | Bino | Cottens |
Sarah | Higham | Thônex |
Ingrid | Fumasoli | Lausanne |
Lara | Boccali | Pampigny |
Update: 4.2.2022