Region: Geneva
Lyzamir – Ethnic grocery store in Geneva
Adresse 9, rue des Corps Saints 1201 Geneva Facebook page:
Nature en Vrac – Bulk store in Geneva
Address Place des Grottes 11201 Geneva Facebook page:
Quadia – impact investing and regenerative economy
Quadia is above all the vision of ethical, sustainable and honest finance. Finance that promotes the ecological transition by supporting innovative companies and organizations that, just like Zero Waste, are the foundations of a regenerative economy. Pioneers of impact investing (2010, Geneva), they invest in three areas that transform the way we produce and consume:…
Les fleurs d’essences
Ateliers cosmétiques créatifs et ateliers nature Les ateliers cosmétiques créatifs et les ateliers nature visent tous les deux à créer des soins au naturel, ainsi qu’à réfléchir autour de la diminution de nos déchets et de notre relation à notre environnement. En effet, à l’aide de diverses approches, que ce soit l’aromathérapie, la naturopathie, la…
City of Carouge (GE) – Carouge Zero Waste
“Carouge Zéro Déchet”, the winning project of the 10th anniversary of Agenda 21, was launched in February 2018 in partnership with Zero Waste Switzerland. The objective of this ambitious project, which makes Carouge the 1st zero waste city in Switzerland, is to reduce incinerable waste produced in Carouge by 30% in 3 years. Since its…