Region: Geneva
L’épicerie du marché
Nous vous proposons des produits issus de fermes locales et biologiques si possible, proposant des cultures responsables et durables garantissant une authenticité des provenances et des saveurs
OuiCycle – Eco-concierge service
OuiCycle is an eco-concierge service. Its mission is to help its clients to achieve a more sustainable lifestyle and consumption. It does this by offering them various solutions, including the delivery (by bicycle!) of local, organic, seasonal, home-made, non-packaged and waste-free products and the disposal of their recyclable waste. Website: Who is “Oui”? OuiCycle…
Harfield Village Natural Care
Homemade hygiene products (soaps, deodorants, etc.). All Harfield Village’s natural products are vegan, palm-oil free and are packaged in recyclable materials.
Carouge Zero Waste Town
Carouge : first Zero Waste town in Switzerland A partnership has been established with the municipality of Carouge (GE) to inspire its residents and enable them to reduce their incinerated household waste by 30% over a period of 3 years. More specifically, it is about supporting behavioural change to enable individuals and organisations to reduce their own waste. The…