Goods or services sharing platforms

We lend, we exchange, we share and most of all we simplify our lives!

A zero waste lifestyle encourages that we REUSE objects and that we repair instead of throwing away what is no longer functioning.

We buy, we consume and we throw away, too quickly but sometimes, a simple fix could give some objects a second life

There are platforms permitting to find help for tasks linked to DIY or repairing, to facilitate exchanges, and to locate the person, the service or the object you are looking for. This type of platform not only allows to reduce our production of waste, but also revitalizes human and social relationships, promotes a fair consumption, and encourages local economy.

Here is a good alternative to disposable goods and a good way to embrace a more minimalist lifestyle. You no longer need to own any tools, you can share them as well as the expertise of your neighbors and you may even like to spend and share a nice moment chatting with them!


In the same spirit, but with no paiements involved, we like the idea of placing stickers on our mailboxes to announce our neighbors what we possess and that we would be happy to lend. The website is offering a large choice of stickers for all kind of objects and help to get in touch with your neighbors and helps with the good relationships! One word for this laternative: SHARING! This not-for-profit association is indeed trying to favore free sharing instead of payable renting.

To facilitate the research of objects, this platform has also recently integrated a nice tool called the Pumpipume Map!


Another intiviative helping to REUSE, is advertised as a small ads website, where you can donate or look for objects for free. Since its creation in 2013, this webiste, not-for-profite either, has already permitted the exchange of 3000 exchanges between pairs. So many objects saved from the trash!

To exchange, barter, borrow and share, this concept is nothing but new: The Local Exchange Systems (SEL) are born in Canada in the 1980’s, and arrived in Switzerland in 1997. The Romandie region currently counts 22 SEL. Their principle is to exchange services, know-hows, or goods, between members of a network based on a virtual money, exchangeable for actual money.

A few examples of exchanges in the zero waste philosophy:

  • Repair a broken chair or fix a holey pant
  • Lend a raclette set or a pair of snowshoes
  • Liquid soap from natural products in bulk DIY workshop
  • « Buying » (with your local money) liquid washing product homemade by another member (and using your owm recipient !)
  • Discover a new activity with your family: Visiting a famr with a night under the stars on the hay
  • Advises to fabric a compost bin in your backyard (or a vermicomposter bin for the kitchen or the balcony)

More websites : : to exchange, donate, lend or give goods or services.

ZeroWaste Switzerland may only encourage those initiatives favoring that we REUSE most objects, and avoid to buy new stuff that we will only use once or twice (I am looking at you, drill!) encouraging people to find again those simple values based on exchanges, free and collaborative sympathy.

Ready, set, …SHARE!