Region: Lausanne
Urbagestion facility management – Give life to your neighbourhood
URBAGESTION is a company specialized in the management of neighborhoods that are considered privileged spaces for the implementation of sustainable development. They associate all the actors concerned in this approach: developers, investors, owners, builders, administrations, authorities, without forgetting users, inhabitants and neighbors. URBAGESTION acts as a service provider for all the operational aspects of a…
La ruche éco – Sustainable and participative grocery store
La ruche éco is a sustainable and participative grocery store located in the heart of Echallens, VD. Its main goal is to propose a sustainable and environmentally friendly way of consumption. You will find 100% local products, all organically grown and without packaging. It participates in the sustainable development of the Vaud region because it…
AromaVrac (magasin)
Épicerie éco-responsable et ateliers Cette épicerie a pour but d’offrir une alternative respectueuse de l’environnement et des producteurs en proposant des produits du quotidien sans emballage superflu, bio et/ou locaux autant que possible, au prix le plus juste. On y trouve tout type de produits de consommation courante : pain, pâtes, riz, céréales, légumineuses, farines, biscuits, chocolats,…
Novae – Corporate catering
Novae – Another Vision of Quality True to its model of responsible business, Novae’s mission is to : “To make every moment of catering a unique culinary experience, thanks to selected products on committed quality criteria, valued by teams of enthusiasts.” History In 2003, Novae was born out of the desire of 4 associates to…
Cooperative Le Jardin Potager – A basket of organic vegetables every week
Le Jardin Potager, ce sont des légumes bio, locaux et de saison, 480 paniers distribués chaque semaine .
Eldora – service of eco-responsible catering
100 Jahre Erfahrung in der Gemeinschafts-Gastronomie.
ARCAM – Association of the Cossonay-Aubonne-Morges region
One district, one region! ARCAM is at the service of businesses as part of its “business window”
Ecoloo – cosmétiques et entretien
Boutique de produits cosmétiques et de produits d’entretien en vrac et/ou sans emballage Ecoloo est une toute nouvelle boutique ZÉRO déchet qui a ouvert ses portes en novembre 2019 à Rolle (Route de la Vallée 9). Cette nouvelle boutique offre aux consommateurs de nombreuses alternatives ZÉRO déchet aux produits cosmétiques et d’entretien utilisés quotidiennement. Que…
Il Bio Locale – Bulk store & Tea-Room in Rolle (VD)
Il Bio Locale is an eco-responsible grocery store that offers unpackaged, organic products, featuring local artisans and producers. Here you will find healthy products, cosmetics and organic cleaning and care products, sold without packaging. Il Bio Locale offers a friendly place with two atmospheres. Enjoy a relaxing moment during your visit with a delicious Italian-style…
Wraps, salades, soupes, jus, bio et locaux Restaurant Fast-Food proposant des plats sains, avec des produits bio / locaux