ZeroWaste Switzerland

Non-profit association inspiring everyone in Switzerland to reduce waste.

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Locircus – A platform to share objects

At a time when the preservation of resources is of increasing concern, the reuse and sharing of objects seems like a perfect alternative. We could summarize it by “mutualization”. In any case, this is the bet that Laure Eskenazi, the founder, passionate about sustainable development, made when she imagined and launched Locircus in the summer of 2020. This thirty-year-old woman from Lausanne wanted to make this sharing site dedicated to objects available to limit consumption on a larger scale.

« What is needed already exists close to home, or even in multiple copies. Locircus simply creates the link between people who can help each other. »

Valorize the existing rather than buying new, it is indeed the credo of this platform. The way is friendly and win-win because it is about renting on a short term its own objects to others. It can be tools, kitchen equipment or even board games; these same objects that often sleep at the bottom of a closet … It is even possible to share surfaces for a few hours as for example music studios, empty offices or even workshops. The only limit in fact is what we are willing to rent.

 « Everyone can do something and take advantage of their resources in their neighbourhood or region. »

Finally, with Locircus the message is that everyone, wherever he/she is, can be an actor of a local circular economy, at the price of a small change of habits.

Be aware that Locircus also distills its good tips and green advice on social networks. So connect to their Instagram page @locircus, Facebook Locircus, and go share your objects on

Quadia – impact investing and regenerative economy

Quadia is above all the vision of ethical, sustainable and honest finance. Finance that promotes the ecological transition by supporting innovative companies and organizations that, just like Zero Waste, are the foundations of a regenerative economy.

Pioneers of impact investing (2010, Geneva), they invest in three areas that transform the way we produce and consume: renewable energy, sustainable food, and circular production and consumption models.

Article available on

Mission, values and impact investing

Their mission is to prove that companies can have both values and positive social and environmental impacts, while being viable and profitable. Why? Because the needs to finance the ecological transition are such that we need private savings, as well as public investments, to deploy them. Impact Investing is therefore a solution to reconcile our short-term needs with the need to preserve the planet.

Fairphone, an example of circular economy, is one of the companies Quadia has invested in

Transform its own impacts

They also contribute first, by investing in the growth of companies that offer products and services with positive impacts, then by implementing, in these companies, a roadmap for a more Regenerative Economy, i.e. favoring the Local, the Circular, the Collaborative, and the Functional.

The Coteaux nantais, in which Qudia has also invested, is a symbol of regenerative agriculture


They share their experience of impact investing with their network in order to continue developing impact funds and direct investments for their partners. For Investments that matter.

Impact with us :

Les fleurs d’essences

Ateliers cosmétiques créatifs et ateliers nature

Les ateliers cosmétiques créatifs et les ateliers nature visent tous les deux à créer des soins au naturel, ainsi qu’à réfléchir autour de la diminution de nos déchets et de notre relation à notre environnement.

En effet, à l’aide de diverses approches, que ce soit l’aromathérapie, la naturopathie, la médecine traditionnelle chinoise ou l’écologie intérieure, il est possible d’apporter des clés au quotidien qui permettent d’entreprendre des actions pour un changement individuel et collectif.

Ils sont convaincus que l’évolution de nos modes de consommation passe par un changement de paradigme et d’abord par une transition intérieure !

Ateliers cosmétiques créatifs

© Copyright – Les fleurs d’essences – Tous droits réservés

Dans la démarche vers le zéro déchet, l’accompagnement par l’exemple leur paraît être une solution enthousiasmante.

Lors de leurs ateliers cosmétiques créatifs, ils transmettent des recettes, ainsi que des savoir-faire, qui permettent d’amorcer ou d’approfondir cette démarche, de manière simple et sans culpabilisation.

Ils sont particulièrement attentifs à présenter des ingrédients naturels et les plus locaux possibles, afin de favoriser les circuits courts, en contribuant notamment à un partenariat durable avec de petits producteurs.

En plus d’être ludiques, les ateliers créatifs sont un moment convivial de partage pour se faire plaisir et faire plaisir aux autres !

Ateliers nature

© Copyright – Les fleurs d’essences – Tous droits réservés

Leurs ateliers nature, bien-être par les 5 sens et écologie intérieure, sont orientés également vers une démarche citoyenne pour questionner nos modes de consommation. Les retours des participants les encouragent à proposer des partenariats avec différents acteurs locaux impliqués dans la réflexion autour de ces thématiques.

Ces deux ateliers sont donnés dans les cantons de Vaud et Genève pour participer de manière active à la transition écologique de la région.

Leur engagement

Les fleurs d’essences soutiennent également l’association locale de geste solidaire Suspend’us, ainsi qu’ATUCSARA, association de développement de projets ruraux, qui met l’accent sur la sécurité alimentaire, les projets d’éducation pour la démocratie et la participation citoyenne, le renforcement institutionnel et le développement local et régional en Colombie.

Site Internet :

Zélo – The zero-waste supermarket delivered to your home by bike

Zélo is a zero-waste supermarket that offers a home delivery service by cargo bike, with the particularity that all products are delivered with the “zero waste” concept, i.e., packed in reusable containers. 

Collaboration with local producers 

Regarding the products offered, priority is of course given to local producers, which does not prevent us from offering some vital products that come from a little further away, in particular to avoid forcing the consumer to go to a supermarket. 

Future developments 

Zélo started with a 6-month pilot phase in the Gland area before officially starting in March 2020. Deliveries were then extended to the villages of Vich and Prangins. 

For the next phase, the objective was to open to the city of Nyon, with the aim of making it a new region. For the moment, the city of Nyon is served from Gland until it acquires enough customers to become an autonomous region. 

In the summer of 2021, Zélo wants to expand its zero waste bike deliveries by opening to the Lausanne region, with the idea of also starting a bulk grocery store project in collaboration with Jobtrek. 

Thereafter, Zélo will be available in other regions depending on available finances. 


If you are in the region and would like to be delivered by Zélo, you can register as a new customer at www.zé or by WhatsApp at 079 604 99 01. 

Alterna – a team of sustainability experts

Alterna is a team of experts with strong values, which offers services at the cutting edge of knowledge to guide towards the respect of planetary limits.

Their collaboration with the Communes

The role of municipalities is fundamental to reduce the environmental footprint, but also to adapt localities to climate change. This is why Alterna offers a complete climate agenda service. It includes a precise inventory, the creation of the climate plan roadmap, the implementation of adapted actions and finally a follow-up and an efficient communication to ensure the success of the process, while involving the citizens in the key steps.

What they can do for Business

The impact of climate change and ecological transition is already being felt in some economic sectors. Taking these changes into account in the company’s strategy is therefore fundamental. Thus, Alterna accompanies businesses in reducing their environmental impact, for example by carrying out carbon assessments and in implementing a list of actions that will directly reduce carbon emissions, but also by accompanying them in the creation of their strategy towards climate change.

Their environmental coaching service for individuals

Each individual has a strong potential to reduce their environmental impact. That’s why Alterna offers a personalized coaching service to facilitate the understanding and the implementation of a more sober and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Website :

Romande Energie

Energéticien de référence et premier fournisseur d’électricité en Suisse romande

En tant qu’énergéticien de référence et premier fournisseur d’électricité en Suisse romande, le Groupe Romande Energie propose une multitude de solutions durables, dans des domaines extrêmement variés : distribution et production d’énergie, services énergétiques, efficience énergétique et mobilité électrique, avec l’objectif d’accompagner ses clients dans la transition énergétique.

Par sa production propre 100% renouvelable, ses services innovants et sa politique de Responsabilité Sociétale d’Entreprise, le Groupe entend développer, avec ses clients, investisseurs et collaborateurs, un meilleur cadre de vie. Romande Energie s’engage également au quotidien à proposer des prestations de haute qualité et à garantir un approvisionnement fiable, au plus près des attentes de ses clients, afin de les accompagner dans la transition énergétique et la décarbonisation de la Suisse romande.

Enfin, dans le cadre des trois piliers RSE (environnemental, sociétal et économique) sur lesquels Romande Energie base sa politique, le Groupe souhaite associer ses collaborateurs au pilier environnemental, en mobilisant notamment l’ensemble de ses collaborateurs vers des actions responsables, à travers l’organisation et la participation à des ateliers de sensibilisation avec Zéro Waste Switzerland.

Website :

Clarity – Freeing ourselves from what clutters up our place

Clarity is a de-cluttering consulting firm founded in 2016 by Eliette and Marieke Staub. Initiators of clarity, they accompany women and men in their project of de-cluttering, sorting and transforming their interior. 

Clarity’s approach is holistic. It merges the principles of the Marie Kondo method (with whom they have been trained and have collaborated), of a certain “essentiality”, of well-being with life coaching, of organization and of interior design. 

For your interiors, literally and figuratively, Clarity helps you in: 

  • the awakening to de-cluttering  
  • the implementation of a sorting action plan 
  • the affirmation of your decision making  
  • the application of habit changes 
  • the awakening to conscious consumption 
  • the transformation of your spaces  
  • the revelation of the true potential of your interiors 
  • the simplification of your daily life 

Clarity’s services include private sessions, online consultations, private and corporate workshops, and conferences. Clarity has spent more than 3000 hours in bazaar drawers, basements and wardrobes in the French-speaking Switzerland and beyond. 

Clarity’s approach is gentle, respectful and empathetic. The consultants are non-judgmental and take into consideration your personal stories and attachments to your objects and accompany you through all the possible and unique transitions in your life. 

They are also experienced speakers both in front of large audiences (1’500+) and in smaller focus groups. Their clients include entities such as WWF, IKEA, Novartis, CSS Assurance, Oracle and Adobe, among others. 

“Declutter. Materially, of course. And psychically. Assess our possessions, but also our tastes, in order to better get rid of the former, while sublimating the latter” – excerpt from a article devoted to Clarity in La Liberté. 

Find out more about Eliette & Marieke Staub, consultants in de-cluttering and material lightening, initiators of clarity: 

In Out Fit – Styling & Health by Rose Graf

Rose Graf has been working on these subjects for years: water, health and beauty, indoors and outdoors. 

With products like the VortexPower Spring water whirlpool, she is reducing PET consumption worldwide by providing fresh water from your own tap, sustainably, without electricity, and without having to replace plastic filters. For private households, such as stores, restaurants, hotels, and so on, the systems can be used perfectly. 

In addition, Vita systems, for example, which protect against today’s strong magnetic fields, are made from recycled materials. 

For more information about Rose Graf and her products, visit

inundout styling & health 
Rose Graf 
Elmerstrasse 11 
8852 Altendorf SZ 

Urbagestion facility management – Give life to your neighbourhood

URBAGESTION is a company specialized in the management of neighborhoods that are considered privileged spaces for the implementation of sustainable development. They associate all the actors concerned in this approach: developers, investors, owners, builders, administrations, authorities, without forgetting users, inhabitants and neighbors.

URBAGESTION acts as a service provider for all the operational aspects of a district:

  • The day-to-day operation of a neighborhood’s common outbuildings as well as the technical and infrastructural management of buildings according to strict technical, economic and environmental criteria
  • The support to a participatory approach that takes into account social, environmental and economic aspects and promotes intergenerational and social mixing
  • The creation of a local network of services to individuals aimed at improving the quality of life of residents.

In this way, they create and maintain a living environment that promotes good living together in the neighborhoods.


URBAGESTION is motivated to meet the ambitious objectives related to sustainable development in the everyday life and in residential areas in particular. They have integrated ZeroWaste Switzerland in order to best reconcile these objectives with the realities of life in the neighborhoods.
