ZeroWaste Switzerland

Non-profit association inspiring everyone in Switzerland to reduce waste.

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Urbagestion facility management – Give life to your neighbourhood

URBAGESTION is a company specialized in the management of neighborhoods that are considered privileged spaces for the implementation of sustainable development. They associate all the actors concerned in this approach: developers, investors, owners, builders, administrations, authorities, without forgetting users, inhabitants and neighbors.

URBAGESTION acts as a service provider for all the operational aspects of a district:

  • The day-to-day operation of a neighborhood’s common outbuildings as well as the technical and infrastructural management of buildings according to strict technical, economic and environmental criteria
  • The support to a participatory approach that takes into account social, environmental and economic aspects and promotes intergenerational and social mixing
  • The creation of a local network of services to individuals aimed at improving the quality of life of residents.

In this way, they create and maintain a living environment that promotes good living together in the neighborhoods.


URBAGESTION is motivated to meet the ambitious objectives related to sustainable development in the everyday life and in residential areas in particular. They have integrated ZeroWaste Switzerland in order to best reconcile these objectives with the realities of life in the neighborhoods.


Reterra GmbH – produits et services de matières premières biologiques

Les déchets organiques comme les restes de légumes, les tontes de gazon, les feuilles mais aussi les fibres des journaux et du carton sont des matières recyclables qui finissent bien trop souvent dans les ordures ménagères. 

15 % des déchets verts recyclables sont encore brûlés dans les déchetteries. Et 250 000 tonnes supplémentaires de déchets alimentaires finissent dans les sacs poubelles. L’élimination des déchets biogéniques par incinération des déchets constitue un gaspillage total de matériaux de valeur importants. Non seulement ces éléments sont absents du cycle matériel de notre écosystème mais en plus, les gaz d’échappement produits lors de la combustion polluent également le climat.

Site internet

Einfach Weniger

Shopping and living more sustainably

Anyone can shop and throw away. Einfach Weniger offers an alternative to the over-consumption mentality and provides products that enable you to live a more sustainable life. To reuse rather than to dispose, to choose zero waste instead of a mountain of waste – that’s what Einfach Weniger stands for, and not just through its name.

From beeswax fabric to EcoEggs

Browse the store and find products that can effortlessly replace traditional disposable products. Discover the benefits of beeswax cloths, homemade cleaning products, or EcoEgg, the eco-friendly alternative to the laundry powders and liquid detergents you will find in their laundry section.

Unleash the handyman in you

You prefer not to buy anything at all and make everything yourself? Then take a look at their library. They have a large number of books and guides with instructions and easy recipes that will get you doing DIY in no time. And their cleaning kit will give you everything you need to get started.

Environmental protection for the whole family

At Einfach Weniger, you will find products for your whole family that will enable you to play an active role in protecting our planet. From menstrual cups for women to razors for the environmentally conscious man, from bamboo spoons for babies to fun handmade soaps for kids, Einfach Weniger involves the whole family in protecting the environment.

Simpler towards zero waste

If the goal is to achieve zero waste, the most practical method is to approach it simply. It is not about giving up on everything to live a life without waste. Sometimes it only takes small adjustments and changes in habits to take a big step in the right direction.


Foundation Freie Gemeinschaftsbank – A cooperative committed to a sustainable approach to money

The Freie Gemeinschaftsbank Genossenschaft was founded in 1984 and is committed to a sustainable approach to money – a flow of money that is ecological, social and that matches the reality of the economy. 

Through its lending activities, it supports, for example, educational and socio-therapeutic institutions, ecological agriculture – especially biodynamic agriculture -, projects in the field of sustainability, housing cooperatives and communal living, and projects for a social and fair economy. 

The projects financed by the Freie Gemeinschaftsbank help to put in place new economic models that are resource-, environmentally- and human friendly. 

It promotes a conscious and responsible approach to money and is committed to helping people understand economic processes. 

Website : 

Address: Freie Gemeinschaftsbank Genossenschaft 
Meret Oppenheim-Strasse 10, 4053 Basel 
oder Postfach, 4002 Basel  

La ruche éco – Sustainable and participative grocery store

La ruche éco is a sustainable and participative grocery store located in the heart of Echallens, VD. Its main goal is to propose a sustainable and environmentally friendly way of consumption. You will find 100% local products, all organically grown and without packaging.

It participates in the sustainable development of the Vaud region because it pays small producers and craftsmen directly, without going through intermediaries.

Its values led it to constitute itself as a cooperative grocery store, the customers and the producers can become actor of this one.

For more information:

AromaVrac (magasin)

Épicerie éco-responsable et ateliers

Cette épicerie a pour but d’offrir une alternative respectueuse de l’environnement et des producteurs en proposant des produits du quotidien sans emballage superflu, bio et/ou locaux autant que possible, au prix le plus juste. 

On y trouve tout type de produits de consommation courante : pain, pâtes, riz, céréales, légumineuses, farines, biscuits, chocolats, tisanes et café, épices, graines, huile et vinaigre, mais également des produits frais (œufs, fruits et légumes de saison, fromage, lait, beurre et yaourts) ainsi que des produits cosmétiques et d’hygiène (shampoings, déodorants, dentifrices solides, gel douche, savon à la coupe……) et des produits d’entretien (savon noir, lessive, bicarbonate de soude, acide citrique, percarbonate de soude), etc. 

Des ateliers sont également proposés pour apprendre à faire ses produits ménagers et cosmétiques à base d’ingrédients écologiques et économiques. A partir de quelques matières premières simples et naturelles, il est très facile et rapide de réaliser l’ensemble de ses produits.

Site Internet :

Page Facebook :

AromaVrac Sàrl & La Poste de Vers-Chez-les-Blancs 
Route du Jorat 196H 
1000 Lausanne 26 

City of Carouge (GE) – Carouge Zero Waste

“Carouge Zéro Déchet”, the winning project of the 10th anniversary of Agenda 21, was launched in February 2018 in partnership with Zero Waste Switzerland. The objective of this ambitious project, which makes Carouge the 1st zero waste city in Switzerland, is to reduce incinerable waste produced in Carouge by 30% in 3 years.

Since its launch, more than 230 events and actions have been set up such as workshops, demo cafés, conferences, and awareness booths at local events in Carouge. In total, more than 3’800 people have been involved. Two 6-month long coaching sessions involved 44 families and resulted in more than 60% waste reduction.

In schools, animations and coaching sessions were also organized. As for the shops, more than 50 stores and market vendors now display the sticker “Here, we accept your own containers”.

The City of Carouge has also made a commitment by setting up a centralized sorting system in the Administration and by raising awareness among its employees. Since 2020, it has imposed the use of fully reusable dishware during major events or markets in its municipal territory. At a sustainable and zero waste brunch, only 2kg of burnable waste has been recorded for 150 participants!

A vast communication campaign is currently being carried out: website, social networks, posters involving key players in the municipality, banners, garbage cans and road trucks decorated with stickers advocating zero waste habits.

The social, environmental and economic benefits are good and the City of Carouge encourages communities to launch such a program!

Pictures © Zoé Chenevard