Category: Member
Foundation Freie Gemeinschaftsbank – A cooperative committed to a sustainable approach to money
The Freie Gemeinschaftsbank Genossenschaft was founded in 1984 and is committed to a sustainable approach to money – a flow of money that is ecological, social and that matches the reality of the economy. Through its lending activities, it supports, for example, educational and socio-therapeutic institutions, ecological agriculture – especially biodynamic agriculture -, projects in the field of sustainability, housing cooperatives and…
La ruche éco – Sustainable and participative grocery store
La ruche éco is a sustainable and participative grocery store located in the heart of Echallens, VD. Its main goal is to propose a sustainable and environmentally friendly way of consumption. You will find 100% local products, all organically grown and without packaging. It participates in the sustainable development of the Vaud region because it…
AromaVrac (magasin)
Épicerie éco-responsable et ateliers Cette épicerie a pour but d’offrir une alternative respectueuse de l’environnement et des producteurs en proposant des produits du quotidien sans emballage superflu, bio et/ou locaux autant que possible, au prix le plus juste. On y trouve tout type de produits de consommation courante : pain, pâtes, riz, céréales, légumineuses, farines, biscuits, chocolats,…
City of Carouge (GE) – Carouge Zero Waste
“Carouge Zéro Déchet”, the winning project of the 10th anniversary of Agenda 21, was launched in February 2018 in partnership with Zero Waste Switzerland. The objective of this ambitious project, which makes Carouge the 1st zero waste city in Switzerland, is to reduce incinerable waste produced in Carouge by 30% in 3 years. Since its…
Novae – Corporate catering
Novae – Another Vision of Quality True to its model of responsible business, Novae’s mission is to : “To make every moment of catering a unique culinary experience, thanks to selected products on committed quality criteria, valued by teams of enthusiasts.” History In 2003, Novae was born out of the desire of 4 associates to…
OuiCycle – Eco-concierge service
OuiCycle is an eco-concierge service. Its mission is to help its clients to achieve a more sustainable lifestyle and consumption. It does this by offering them various solutions, including the delivery (by bicycle!) of local, organic, seasonal, home-made, non-packaged and waste-free products and the disposal of their recyclable waste. Website: Who is “Oui”? OuiCycle…
L’Épicerie Autrement – participative grocery store in Tramelan (BE)
LOCAL – ORGANIC – BULK: we offer, you choose ! This is the motto of the Épicerie Autrement located in Tramelan, in the Bernese Jura, open in November 2019. L’Épicerie Autrement is a participative grocery store (cooperative society), born from a citizen’s initiative, which offers a wide range of food and non-food products. The aim…